Unintended consequences of the 18-week referral to treatment standard in NHS England: a threshold analysisLaura Quinn, Paul Bird, Sandra Remsing, Katharine Reeves, Richard Lilford
5 September 2023
Reducing opioid use for chronic non-cancer pain in primary care using an evidence-based, theory-informed, multistrategic, multistakeholder approach: a single-arm time series with segmented regressionAnna K Moffat, Jemisha Apajee, Vanessa T Le Blanc, Kerrie Westaway, Andre Q Andrade, Emmae N Ramsay, Natalie Blacker, Nicole L Pratt, Elizabeth Ellen Roughead
27 April 2023
Sustaining interventions in care homes initiated by quality improvement projects: a qualitative studyReena Devi, Graham P Martin, Jaydip Banerjee, John RF Gladman, Tom Dening, Atena Barat, Adam Lee Gordon
22 March 2022
Visual identifiers for people with dementia in hospitals: a qualitative study to unravel mechanisms of action for improving quality of careElizabeth Sutton, Natalie Armstrong, Louise Locock, Simon Conroy, Carolyn Tarrant
25 May 2023
Types and effects of feedback for emergency ambulance staff: a systematic mixed studies review and meta-analysisCaitlin Wilson, Gillian Janes, Rebecca Lawton, Jonathan Benn
7 April 2023
Days alive and at home after hip fracture: a cross-sectional validation of a patient-centred outcome measure using routinely collected dataDaniel I McIsaac, Robert Talarico, Angela Jerath, Duminda N Wijeysundera
30 July 2021
Patient-centred outcomes of imaging tests: recommendations for patients, clinicians and researchersMatthew J Thompson, Monica Zigman Suchsland, Victoria Hardy, Danielle C Lavallee, Sally Lord, Emily Beth Devine, Jeffrey G Jarvik, Steven Findlay, Thomas A Trikalinos, Fiona M Walter, Roger Chou, Beverly B Green, Karen J Wernli, Annette L Fitzpatrick, Patrick M Bossuyt
6 October 2021
Predictors and population health outcomes of persistent high GP turnover in English general practices: a retrospective observational studyRosa Parisi, Yiu-Shing Lau, Peter Bower, Katherine Checkland, Jill Rubery, Matt Sutton, Sally J Giles, Aneez Esmail, Sharon Spooner, Evangelos Kontopantelis
23 January 2023
Indication documentation and indication-based prescribing within electronic prescribing systems: a systematic review and narrative synthesisCalandra Feather, Nicholas Appelbaum, Ara Darzi, Bryony Dean Franklin
14 February 2023
Surgical implementation gap: an interrupted time series analysis with interviews examining the impact of surgical trials on surgical practice in EnglandKelly Ann Schmidtke, Felicity Evison, Amy Grove, Laura Kudrna, Olga Tucker, Andy Metcalfe, Andrew W Bradbury, Aneel Bhangu, Richard Lilford
21 October 2022