Prevalence and characterisation of diagnostic error among 7-day all-cause hospital medicine readmissions: a retrospective cohort studyKatie E Raffel, Molly A Kantor, Peter Barish, Armond Esmaili, Hana Lim, Feifei Xue, Sumant R Ranji
4 August 2020
Association of open communication and the emotional and behavioural impact of medical error on patients and families: state-wide cross-sectional surveyJulia C Prentice, Sigall K Bell, Eric J Thomas, Eric C Schneider, Saul N Weingart, Joel S Weissman, Mark J Schlesinger
20 January 2020
Emotionally evocative patients in the emergency department: a mixed methods investigation of providers’ reported emotions and implications for patient safetyLinda M Isbell, Julia Tager, Kendall Beals, Guanyu Liu
27 January 2020
Time series evaluation of improvement interventions to reduce alarm notifications in a paediatric hospitalColleen M Pater, Tina K Sosa, Jacquelyn Boyer, Rhonda Cable, Melinda Egan, Timothy K Knilans, Amanda C Schondelmeyer, Christine L Schuler, Nicolas L Madsen
20 January 2020
Hospital-level evaluation of the effect of a national quality improvement programme: time-series analysis of registry dataTimothy J Stephens, Carol J Peden, Ryan Haines, Mike P W Grocott, Dave Murray, David Cromwell, Carolyn Johnston, Sarah Hare, Jose Lourtie, Sharon Drake, Graham P Martin, Rupert M Pearse, , On behalf of Enhanced Perioperative Care for High-risk patients (EPOCH) trial group, Ruper PearseSee the full list of authors
12 September 2019
The relationship between off-hours admissions for primary percutaneous coronary intervention, door-to-balloon time and mortality for patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction in England: a registry-based prospective national cohort studySahan Jayawardana, Sebastian Salas-Vega, Felix Cornehl, Harlan M Krumholz, Elias Mossialos
12 December 2019
Large-scale empirical optimisation of statistical control charts to detect clinically relevant increases in surgical site infection ratesIulian Ilieş, Deverick J Anderson, Joseph Salem, Arthur W Baker, Margo Jacobsen, James C Benneyan
8 November 2019
Multistate programme to reduce catheter-associated infections in intensive care units with elevated infection ratesJennifer Meddings, M Todd Greene, David Ratz, Jessica Ameling, Karen E Fowler, Andrew J Rolle, Louella Hung, Sue Collier, Sanjay Saint
6 January 2020
Study of a multisite prospective adverse event surveillance systemAlan J Forster, Allen Huang, Todd C Lee, Alison Jennings, Omer Choudhri, Chantal Backman
3 July 2019
Influence of doctor-patient conversations on behaviours of patients presenting to primary care with new or persistent symptoms: a video observation studyDorothee Amelung, Katriina L Whitaker, Debby Lennard, Margaret Ogden, Jessica Sheringham, Yin Zhou, Fiona M Walter, Hardeep Singh, Charles Vincent, Georgia Black
20 July 2019